Tag Archives: thankfulness


Click here to read how we began our study on BUILDING THE HABIT OF THANKFULNESS.

My babies, you know I’ve been having a hard time lately. I want this year to be easier than last year. I want to be home more with you and at work less. And then I got some news that made me upset.

But God is in control. Always. So, that means He knew what classes I would teach this year. He planned it.

For I know the plans I have for you” —this is the Lord’s declaration—“plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. — Jeremiah 29:11

But sometimes the path He leads us down is hard. We must learn to thank God even when things do not go our way.

Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. –Philippians 4:6


[Give] thanks always for everything
to God the Father
in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ….–Ephesians 5:20

When I said that I was “not satisfied” with my job, CSM said, “Maybe you need to decide to be satisfied FIRST, and then God will change the situation.”

You’re right, my girl. I need to be THANKFUL for even the hard times. Jesus still might not change the hard times, but maybe I will truly feel JOY and true THANKFULNESS if I bow at the feet of Jesus and thank Him even for the hard times. Even if my situation doesn’t change, perhaps my heart will.

YOUR ASSIGNMENT: Thank Jesus for 3 things that you really don’t feel thankful for–things you actually wish He would change for you. In THANKING God for them, perhaps we will feel REAL JOY.

Mine are:

  1. Thank you, Jesus, for allowing me to teach at the same school again.
  2. Thank you, Jesus, for giving me something new to teach.
  3. Thank you, Jesus, for sending each of us to a different building during the school day.

Maybe I will really begin to feel better if I try to BE THANKFUL for all of that. It is good to have a job. It can be fun to teach something new. And with all of us in a different building this year, we can shine the light of Jesus in many corners of this city.

….How about you?? Can you think of 3 things to thank God for that are actually hard times or things you wish He would change??



Click here to read how we began our study on BUILDING THE HABIT OF THANKFULNESS.

I love summer. I love the sun, the pool, and sleeping late. I love that we get TIME. And I pray we use it to relax and enjoy each other.

Summer vacation may be something the School Board approves and schedules, but I thank God for it.

Did you know that God plans all the moments of your life? He knows what you need and want and He helps you get it. Sometimes he sends a friend into your life to bring you a gift, but it is really from Him. Sometimes things seem “lucky,” like finding a dollar on the ground, but God even plans those moments for us.

God is a part of each moment of our lives.

The Bible says that….

Every good and perfect gift is from the Lord. –James 1:17

I’ve been getting many gifts lately because it is almost my birthday. I sent off a Thank You card to Kristiana and Bobka for gifts they sent me. BUT I also thank God for the gifts. Because He planned them for me, too.

You have also gotten good things from others this summer (or saved up and bought them yourself).

List 3 gifts you’ve received this summer….for a challenge pick one gift that you received in a BAG, one you’re received in a BOX, and one you saved money up to BUY.

Mine are:
1. BAG: My new purse! Kristiana gave me a monogrammed purse…she wrapped it in a bag.

2. BOX: My crepe pap flower! Carris gave me a beautiful hand-crafted flower in a box last night.

3. BOUGHT: the supplies for my Teacher Notebook! I know I said I wouldn’t think about school until August, but putting together my notebook makes me excited about school rather than anxious. God has given me a gift by helping me be happy as I plan.

What are yours?



Click here to read how we began our study on BUILDING THE HABIT OF THANKFULNESS.

In Vacation Bible School, we heard again the story of Daniel in the lion’s den.

I want to be as brave as Daniel. He disobeyed the strong and mighty king even when he knew the consequence.

Defying authority is wrong. But if the earthly authority asks you to defy Godly Authority, then we must do what is right in God’s eyes.

Daniel’s earthly authority–King Darius–made it against the law to pray to anyone but him. But Daniel knew that God’s word said HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME. So…what did Daniel do???

Now when Daniel learned that the decree had been published, he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward Jerusalem. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before. –Daniel 6:10

I love that the Bible tells us “just as he had done before.” Daniel was consistent in his prayer. I think Daniel learned to be brave by talking to God so often. The more we talk to Jesus, the more we remember that He is always with us.

Today, comment back to me with 3 things you will thank Jesus for today….ONE AT 8 AM, ONE AT 12 PM, and ONE AT 8 PM.

Mine are:
Getting to still be asleep at 8 AM since it’s summer!
Eating breakfast at noon since it’s summer!
Just starting a movie at 8 PM because we don’t have to go to bed because It’S SUMMER!! 🙂

What are yours?



Click here to read how we began our study on BUILDING THE HABIT OF THANKFULNESS.

Last week’s vacation was even more fun than last year’s. We saw so many beautiful sights–and so many forms of water!! Waterfalls, the Llano River, Devil’s Waterhole, Inks Lake…and we enjoyed them all.

You and I know that those things were made by the Lord, but not everyone believes. The Bible tells us that it is OBVIOUS that God exists. It says that creation itself—or the beauty of nature—is proof of God. Who else but our God would make such wonderful things?

Ever since the world was created it has been possible to see the qualities of God that are not seen. I’m talking about his eternal power and about the fact that he is God. Those things can be seen in what he has made. –Romans 1:20

That verse goes on to talk about how sinners who ignore God are punished. It says people can see God all around them but sometimes they don’t “honor him as God” or “thank him.”

Let’s thank Him for what He has made. Let’s thank Him for the beauty He has shown us.

List 3 things in nature that you are thankful for–three beautiful things God has shown you in the outdoors.

Mine are:
1. Gorman Falls–I’m glad we got to see those waterfalls it up close! It looked like something from a beach island, not in the middle of the dusty Hill Country!
2. Dove birds–I like the way they sound like owls a little bit, but sing in the morning.
3. Llano River–I liked that we could walk around in it and ride rapids.

What are yours?



Click here to read how we began our study on BUILDING THE HABIT OF THANKFULNESS.

Have you read the story of these two sisters? One was mad at the other and took her concerns straight to Jesus…literally! He was a guest in their home. Read what happened:

Martha and Mary—
Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a village. And a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house.

And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to his teaching.

But Martha was distracted with serving the food and working in the kitchen. And she went up to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.”

But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen a good thing, which will not be taken away from her.” –Luke 10:38-42

Martha did all the work. Mary sat and listened to Jesus talk.

It makes sense that listening to Jesus and being close to Him is better than cleaning the kitchen. But isn’t it also true that listening to each other is more important than our own To-Do Lists?

Mommy has a list on the fridge of all the things I want to accomplish this summer. But if I did not complete even one of those things, but spent time with you three instead, I’d be happy.

Relationships are more important than To-Do Lists. Conversations are more important than tasks.

If we do not TALK to people, how will they come to know Jesus? We must share Him, and we do that through relationships with others.

List 3 people you are thankful for that do not live in our house. Pray right now and tell God what you love about those people. Also, pray for their day today and for them to know Jesus if they do not already.

Mine are:
1. Bobka–Lord, thank you that she is a good example of a kind Christian woman to my children. I pray that you bless her today…that she will continue to feel healthy and have time for You.
2. Valerie–Lord, thank you for a friend at work and that we will get to spend the week together. I pray that she hear about You from many people and choose You as her Savior.
3. Kristiana–Lord, think you that she loves me no matter what and has been a friend for SO LONG! I pray that this weekend is restful and fun, and I pray that she feel how dearly You and I love her.

Who are yours?



O, that men would praise the Lord for His Greatness! — Psalm 107:8

For My Girls,

I read a book recently called One Thousand Gifts. The author of this book shared what she learned from the Bible about being thankful.

The author created a list of 1000 things she was thankful for. Each day she thought about the good things Jesus showed her or gave her. She called the good things His GIFTS to her.

A GIFT could be something as HUGE as healing a person from a disease.

One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan.
Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? –Luke 17:15-17

We’ve heard the story of the 10 Lepers in Sunday School. Ten men were sick. Jesus healed them all, but only one returned to thank Him.

Jesus waits for us to notice the GIFTS He gives us each day. He wants us to be thankful for them.

A GIFT could be something small like the beauty of a summer day that makes you smile.

See! The winter is past;
the rains are over and gone.
Flowers appear on the earth;
the season of singing has come,
the cooing of doves
is heard in our land.
The fig tree forms its early fruit;
the blossoming vines spread their fragrance.
Arise, come, my darling;
my beautiful one, come with me. –Song of Songs 2:11-13

When we thank Jesus for GIFTS, we become closer to him. Just like our friends like to know we love the birthday gifts they give, Jesus likes to know we appreciate all He gives us.

Jesus is with us EVERY minute of our days. Each moment is His plan and His design for us. Is He blessing you?

This summer, let’s think about GIFTS the Lord gives us.

Today, comment back to me with 3 GIFTS THAT CAN BE TASTED….think about GIFTS Jesus has given you today or this week that you could taste.

Mine are:
1. Sweet and Tangy Meatballs….no they weren’t my best recipe, but I am THANKFUL that all that nasty grape jelly is gone!!
2. Morning coffee–I love the taste and smell each day
3. Daddy’s chocolate crepes…

What are yours?


Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. –Philippians 4:5-7

Over this year, I’ve read Ann Voskamp’s One Thousand Gifts. The point she makes is profound yet simple: A thankful attitude, a thankful posture, a thankful propensity brings us closer to Jesus.

He waits for us to see Him in all things and to come to Him with gratitude. When we stop being bitter and scared…when we see all things as a gift from God each day, the habit of thankfulness is built.

As we develop a thankful heart, we develop a true fear of the Lord and a true understanding of how even the hardships are blessings.

She recommends creating a list as she has done of 1000 gifts. What things–small and big–can you thank God for each day? She has challenged others to list gifts with her on her blog.

I have been listing my own, but this summer I am going to share my list and Ann’s challenge with my school-age children. Each summer, my children and I do a Bible Study together. Some have been fun and successful, some have been forced and painful. This summer, I will blog a few times a week on thankfulness and I am offering my girls a chance to comment and list their blessings each week.

Each week they will read along with you and think about what they are thankful for. I pray that through this summer, my family will build the habit of gratitude…and, for the Lord, we will be changed.